Sign & Certify
Allevia Home Care does not discriminate in their hiring practices or in any other decision on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, citizenship, national origin, veteran status, age and/or physical or mental disability unrelated to the ability to perform the work required. No question on this application is intended to secure information to be used for such discrimination.
I agree to cooperate with such an investigation and release all parties from any and all liability, claims or damages, directly or indirectly, resulting from furnishing such information. I also understand that the use of illegal drugs is prohibited during employment and that I am willing to submit to drug testing at any time to detect the use of illegal drugs prior to or during employment.
Restrictive Covenant: I agree not to do business directly with any individual or business entity that Allevia Home Care LLC. has introduced to me or by entering into employment with such individuals or businesses.
Signature is required.